
Qualidade | Política da Empresa


The quality control is done since the choice of raw material (grains) and it is done in every stage of the production process. The ingredients, like water and the material used in the package, are particularity chosen and analised to guarantee a better quality in the final product.

100% Robust Coffee
100% Arabic Coffee
100% Blends of Coffee
100% Certificate Organic Arabic Coffee

Generoso Coffee is produced with the best grains of coffee, that’s the reason why it’s considered a high quality product, in aroma, taste, color and acidity. The transformation processes that the grain is submitted, must guarantee the taste and aroma, which are its main characteristics. That’s why, Generoso Company invest in high technology to guarantee the quality of the products
Our strict process of accompanying of the stages of production, where the products are submitted to sensorial analysis, physics and chemical in a complete laboratory with all the high precision equipments and operated by overqualified technicians. These processes guarantee that all the products have the quality required and they attend all the high standards of hygiene and clearness established by this Company.