composition of the coffee
The Coffee possesses the following chemical constitution:
alkaloids, including the alkaloids purínicos
or xantinas (caffeine, teobromina, teofilina, paraxantina),
organic acids (acid clorogênico 5 to 10%, and
the acids cafeico, metilúrico, vanílico,
hidroxibenzoico and ferrúlico), flavonóides
(caempferol, quercetol 40%), diterpenos (cafestol, caveol),
salicilatos (methyl salicilato), EDTA, benzoic acid,
derived nicotínicos (trigonelina), essential
oils (acid cinâmico, aldehyde cinâmico),
vitamins (nicotinamida, ascorbic acid, tiamina, riboflavina
and carotene) and minerals (calcium, match and iron).
Grindelia possesses the following chemical constitution:
Diterpenos labdânicos or grindelanos (acids grindélico
and oxigrindélico 10%), essential oils (borneol),
saponinas, tannins, glicosídeos (grindelina),
alkaloids, flavonóides, composed acetilênicos
(matricariol and matricariol acetate) and fitosteróis.
Traditional information
The Coffee is a plant with the following uses identified
etnofarmacológicos: Stimulant, diuretic, depurativo
of the blood, tonic general, antiasmático, antigripal,
antidiarreico, antireumático, combats the vertigos,
them migraine associated to caught a cold, vulnerário,
antiespasmódico and sudorífico.
Grindelia is a plant with the following uses identified
etnofarmacológicos: Antiasmática, expectorant,
tonic of the heart, diuretic, antitussígena,
diuretic, antiespasmódica, carminativa, and anti-infective.
of Action:
The components possess the following pharmacological
The coffee plant (Arabic Coffea) it is very rich in
xantinas with very known pharmacological activity. His/her
mechanism of main action is through the inhibition of
the adenil ciclase, increasing the concentration of
AMP cyclical intracelular. This causes modification
of the activity of several cells. The main pharmacological
properties of the xantinas are relaxation of flat musculature,
mainly brônquica, increase of the force of contraction
of the heart muscle with increase of the consumption
of O2, increase of the cronotropismo, increase of the
renal sanguine flow, I increase of the tax of filtration
glomerular, effect natriurético for tubular action,
increase of the diurese and incentive of the breathing
center and of the functions of SNC.
The xantinas and the caffeine in usual doses cause increase
of 10% in the basal metabolic tax and his/her action
mechanism depends on a complex interaction between their
components and the different receivers. The benzoic
acid, the salicilatos and the acid ferrúlico,
all possess anti-inflammatory and analgesic activity.
The benzoic acid also fluidifica the breathing secretions
where it acts as antisséptico. The trigonelina
has action on the hepatócito, increasing his/her
metabolism, the bile production and reducing the cellular
mortality in models of chemical hepatitis for tetracloreto
of carbon.
The acid cafêico, the salicilatos and the quercetol
possess action antiadesiva plaquetária. The action
mechanisms include the blockade of the tromboxano synthesis
A2, the increase of the prostaciclina concentration
in the vascular endotélio and the increase of
AMP cyclical intracelular in the plaques. The quercetol
also exhibits outstanding action on the microcirculação
increasing the stability of the vascular endotélio
and reducing his/her permeability. This action also
links with an anti-allergic activity, whose action mechanism
is not still completely elucidated. Other pharmacological
activities of the quercetol are antidiarreica, antiviral,
antiarrítmica, antioxidant, antiherpética
and anti-inflammatory.
The acid clorogênico is a potent colagogo, increasing
in a significant way the bile production, besides protecting
the liver against chemical hepatitis. The acid clorogênico
also exhibits outstanding antibacterial action. Among
sensitive microorganisms to the this substance has P.
aeruginosa, S. aureus, D. pneumoniae, Streptococcus
sp and N. meningitidis. The caempferol has effect antihipertensivo
for vasodilatação, in concentrations very
low séricas (3 mmol/L). In models of intestinal
infection for bacteria patogênicas in animals,
the extract of the leaves of Arabic Coffea was effective
in reducing the gravity and the time of disease.
The beginnings more important active Grindelia camporum
are grindelanos. These compositions act in the flat
musculature causing relaxation, mainly of the musculature
brônquica, that determines an effect broncodilatador.
The essential oils and to you resin of fluidificando
act the breathing secretion and working as local antissépticos.
Another identified action of the extract of Grindelia
camporum is the reduction of the reflex of the cough
for increase of the threshold of excitability of the
sensitive endings in the mucous membrane brônquica.
The grindelanos also act in the heart, reducing the
answer cronotrópica and increasing the inotropismo.
Authors believe that his action mechanism includes the
increase of the relaxation of the heart fibers during
the diástole. He/she increases him/it debit heart,
the renal sanguine flow and the tax of filtration glomerular.
He also acts regulating the intestinal peristaltismo
and increasing the expulsion of gases.
The glicosídeos of they possess outstanding
bitter flavor, that it stimulates the gustatory papilas
increasing the production of digestive secretions.