
To see other curiosity

In this section we will answer our consumers' most frequent questions. But, if you still to need of other answers, please, contact us clicking in the link "Speaks with us".  

Which the best form of keeping coffee?
The secret to appreciate the quality of the coffee is to assure that he stays the more possible cool air. We recommended that after of open to packing she is closed and put in a stamped container and maintained in the rerigerador, far away from chemical products and strong odors. To enjoy the maximum of the flavor and of the aroma, it consummates his coffee in until 30 days after open.

How many cups for package?
A package of 250g can prepare up to 30 coffee cups. This amount varies for each gosto. 

How many different forms do exist to "do" coffee?"
There is many different forms to prepare coffee, some of the which are related to cultural. The most common are the methods that use the filter and the coffeepot. Recently, the expressed extraction method has if due known tornado, predominantly, to the commercial market. It is important that you use the granulation and the more appropriate extraction method to obtain the flavor of coffee of her preference.
Why is the granulation of the coffee important and which should I buy?
The size of the granulation of the coffee exercises a significant effect in the quality of the flavor. You should always use the correct granulation for the equipment type that possesses.
The grinding expôe the cellular walls of the grains and he prepares the grains for us to liberate her flavor during the processing. Due to the variations in the cycle of the processing the temperature of the water and his/her agitation pattern, each processing method requests different granulation degrees.
Since there is many forms different from processsar coffee, to choose the correct granulation is essential to obtain the best flavor during her extraction. The extraction degree depends on three factors:
- Integrity of the grinding
- Relationship coffee water 
- Extension of the time in that the grains are in contact with the water.

In general, as smaller the processing cycle, smaller the necessary granulation to produce an extraction of maximized flavor. As larger the processing cycle, larger the necessary granulation. The finest granulation exposes more the superfíce area of the coffee to it waters her and their oils essentials are liberated later. Longer processing methods request a thicker granulation to avoid the too much extraction. An incompatible granulation with the extraction method can produce a strong extra coffee or a very weak and deprived of flavor.

How is the soluble coffee produced?
The soluble coffee was introduced at the market in the fifties. A soluble coffee cup can be prepared easy and quickly, without processing, once that was already made in the factory. There are 2 techniques used to produce soluble coffee: Frozen Secamento and secamento for spray.

- Frozen Secamento
In this system the grains are toasted, moídos and processados resultando in a gigantic tank of coffee. Then the particles of coffee are extracted and the remaining liquid is evaporated through an advanced method of drying by freezing.

During the drying process for freezing the liquid coffee is frozen to 40 negative centigrade degrees, what does with that the particles of water in the concentrated coffee form crystals of ice. Through a known method as sublimation the ice is extracted of the frozen granules using a special camera that it dries the particles to a very low pressure. The one that stays is the soluble coffee.

- Secamento for Spray
To create our soluble coffee we used an only combination of grains, we toasted, we milled and we processed it through the drying for spray, what produces a coffee of better quality and of more outstanding flavor.

During this drying the concentrated coffee is thrown in the top of a high tower with hot air. Due to the heat the water evaporates when falling, so that the one that stays is soluble coffee.

The coffee contains addictive, such as conservantes?
No, the coffee is always 100% natural and it doesn't contain any addictive one. Coffee is simply the seed of the plant of café (o coffee bean), toasted and moído. Decaffeinated coffee or "without caffeine" it is pure coffee of which the cafeína.O coffee was removed stays fresh thanks to the packing to vacuous and, therefore, she doesn't need conservantes. When the coffee contains addictive this has to be impressso in the packing.

What is the caffeine of the coffee?
Caffeine is a substance naturally contained in several different plants, besides in those that produce coffee, tea and chocolate.
In the coffee, she is just one of the more than 1500 substances that the tecnologistas in foods could isolate and that they combine to give to his coffee different character.
The Caffeine also acts as a moderate stimulant, aumentanto the mental alert and accelerating the process of the reasoning. It is for that that some people prefer to drink decaffeinated coffee, mainly at night, when they want to relax and to sleep of what be alerts. The caffeine neither has color nor flavor, nor odor or aroma, but he sweats her removal be not made with very care the extraction can affect the delicious flavor and aroma that we wait in a true coffee.

Indication of the amounts of caffeine for portion cup:
mg of caffeine portion
- Coffee (for cup of 150 ml) - toasted and moído ~80
- Coffee (for cup of 150 ml) - soluble ~60
- Decaffeinated coffee (for cup of 150 ml) (or toasted either moído or solúvel) ~3
- Tea (for cup of 150 ml) ~40
- Soft drink of Glue (for can of 330ml) ~30
- Simple chocolate (50g) ~20
There are several products found at the market such an as painkillers that also contain caffeine.

How is the decaffeinated coffee produced?
The coffee contains an active supplement, the caffeine naturally. Normal grains of coffee contain among 0,8% and 2,5% of caffeine depending on his origin and variety. A decaffeinated coffee is not totally free from caffeine. In the European Community's countries, coffee toasted decaffeinated it can contain 0.1% of caffeine residue and 0,3% of extract of coffee.
To produce coffee without caffeine the stimulating supplement she needs to be extracted of the grains. Since the coffee reveals most of his flavor during the torração, the caffeine is extracted of the green grains of the coffee. Several methods exist to get that, of which the methods mais utilizados is it of the water-carbon (H2O/C) and the one of the diclorometano, (commonly known like DCM). Modern methods of descafeinação don't cause any effect in the flavor and in the aroma of the coffee. Then, a good decaffeinated coffee almost has the same flavor of a coffee containing caffeine.

The method Water-carbon
This process uses water (H2O) as solvent. The green grains are washed with water by a long time, during which the caffeine is dissolved in the water. The water, with the dissolved caffeine is, then, pumped through a filter of active coal (C) that absorbs the caffeine. The decaffeinated grains are dried with lukewarm air and then rersfriados with cold air. They are toasted then, moídos and wrapped in the usual way. The water is reused for other descafeinação processes.
The process of Diclorometano
This method uses the diclorometano (DCM) as solvent and it was developed to assist to requirements certain industries. The green grains are moistened with water to turn her porous surface and then immersed in the solvent by 30 minutes. This repeats several times. The grains are removed of the solvent after the caffeine is dissolved. Steam is applied for some time to remove any line of the solvent. After that the grains are dried using lukewarm air and colds with cold air. They are toasted then, moídos and wrapped in the usual way. O diclorometano is reverse-used for subsequent descafeinação.

Does caffeine affect the sleep?
As the caffeine is a moderate stimulant, some people notice that you take more time to fall asleep after they drink coffee at night. Other people drink his coffee with pleasure after the night meal without feeling any problem. In fact, the research has been demonstrating that the individuals' sleep varies vastly in their reactions to the coffee as well as other factors as the noise, the temperature and the stress can, equally, to predispose to the retardation of the sleep. The decaffeinated coffee is available for those particularly sensitive people to the caffeine.

Does coffee do badly?
No there is any conclusive evidence that it indicates that a moderate amount of coffee does badly to his health. The modern science identifies the effects of the caffeine, such as the incentive of the metabolism and the increase in the ability to react. To drink coffee doesn't usually cause any dangerous consequence to the healthy individual, although nor all can tolerate the caffeine so well.
The coffee contains calories?
No, but the addition of milk and sugar in a coffee cup add calories.
Do how many countries in the world cultivate coffee?
The coffee grows exclusively in tropical and sub-tropical areas. The current belt of the production of coffee around of the world he understands about 70 countries involved in the cultivation and it is bounded between the latitudes of 23 degrees north and 25 degrees south.
Brazil is the largest world producer of coffee. He produces, on average, about 28% of the total of the world production. Colombia proceeds in second, with about 16%, Indonesia, in third, with 7%, and Mexico, in the 4th place, with about 4%.  

Which the difference among the coffees?
The quality of grains and his combination, that she should have special selection, and each coffee has his secret, his income, his blend.

Which is the best coffee?
He doesn't have the "better coffee." Each product has her own flavor. It is as eating 02 lemon pies, being one with cream of milk Energy and other with cream of milk From São Paulo, in the end one will have her preference.

What is blend?
It is a combination of grains of several areas (never to use the word mixes). Mixture is understood as barley or products that are not part of the blend of coffee.

What does make a coffee to be more expensive or cheaper?
The grain type that is part of the bag of green coffee bought with more or less defects of coffee.

Why do eventual mixed clearer points exist to the powder of coffee?
Clearer points found in the coffee are coming of the film that composes the grain. As that film is in the torração stage she will darken with less intensity and it will be visible in the grinding